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East Lansing, Michigan baby photography | [H] milestone session

I had so much fun meeting this cute, little guy! Mr. [H] was very smiley and happy for his session...until it came time for the naked baby pictures. He was not a fan. But, the pictures still turned out cute! Especially, seeing all his adorable, baby rolls. Happy six months, Mr. [H]!

Please enjoy his Mama's favorite images from his recent session!

Thinking about booking a session? Please make sure to inquire ASAP! My schedule fills up quickly! Make sure you are booking your favorite East Lansing, Michigan baby photography (ME)!



517 . 798 . 6438

East Lansing, Michigan baby photography
East Lansing, Michigan baby photography

East Lansing, Michigan baby photography

East Lansing, Michigan baby photography

East Lansing, Michigan baby photography

East Lansing, Michigan baby photography

East Lansing, Michigan baby photography

East Lansing, Michigan baby photography


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